miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Origin of the Universe

Cesar Valencia Zapata avcesar58@hotmail.com

Cap I

What is a point?
It is something that has no dimension, we theoretically relate it to a place of reference, the place where something begins, the location of something. Physically we could say that it is the mark left by the tip of the pencil on paper.
What is a line? A sequence of points forms a one-dimensional shape called a line.
What is a plane? The succession of several lines placed next to another, forms a two-dimensional figure that we call plane. What is a volume? The placement of planes, one on top of another, forms a three-dimensional or three-dimensional figure called volume.
Is there a new Dimension? When it comes to giving the description of a four-dimensional or four-dimensional object, we encounter problems, however through abstract reasoning we can develop a method that gives us a vision of what a structure of this type is.
To begin with, in the formation of the line, plane and volume there are several elements in common, for example, in all three there is always a displacement, the point moved and formed the line, the line moved and formed the Plane, the plane shifted and formed the volume; There are also two other common elements such as time and size (a displacement implies a given time, and this in turn gives us a size), for example, the successive placement of a point next to another point during a time t “We form a line of size” X “, the successive placement of a line next to another line at a time” t “gives us a plane of size” X * Y “(length by width) and finally the successive placement of A plane on another plane during a time “t” forms a volume of size “X * Y * Z” (length by width by height). Using abstract reasoning, we could infer that a volume placed on another volume during a time “t” forms a figure of size “X * Y * Z * n”, that is to say X, Y and Z multiplied n times. Immediately after another a number n of times, we form a four-dimensional or four-dimensional structure. To describe that number of times, we will use the W instead of the letter n, following the sequence of the other three dimensions, X, Y and Z. To this figure of size X, Y, Z and W we are going to give the name of “BODY” and to its development, we will call it “GROWTH”. The words BODY and GROWTH were the most appropriate to name this new dimension given its “organic” development, and this name is not gratuitous, since as we will see later, the beings of the Universe are an accumulation of volumes.
Then we can conclude that a “something” four-dimensional is formed by placing a volume next to another volume, and this operation will be called GROWTH, and that “something” will be called BODY, changing slightly the definition of BODY according to the dictionary Is each of the parts of a whole, we will say that BODY is the whole formed by each of the parts and this is the name that we will apply hereafter to describe that “something” in Four Dimensions. We already have the name for our four-dimensional structure, but we still do not know what that other direction is in which a four-dimensional BODY develops, nor do we know its structure.
To know his figure we are going to add volumes indefinitely until we obtain a form and a direction for the Fourth Dimension. This operation of adding volumes can be done in many possible ways, and in many different environments, the type or types of volumes that we accumulate and the way this accumulation occurs, is finally that which gives the form of the BODY or four-dimensional structure.
For example, if we were in outer space (where the force is equal in all directions) and accumulated volumes successively for a given time, we would have a spherical shape figure, no matter what kind of volume we accumulate, forces equal in all directions Makes an accumulation of volumes have the characteristics of a sphere, and this is very clear when observing the planets and living beings. In a middle place between the ocean floor and its surface, there are equal forces in all directions, any structure composed of an accumulation of volumes that is formed there, will acquire spherical shape. We already know a type of structure in four dimensions, the sphere, and from it we get the direction we needed, it is the direction to where the body is formed, which in this particular case is the radius of the sphere.
We could conclude that the direction corresponding to a spherical body is the radius of the sphere, and this was the direction of the dimension we were missing and which we call W or the fourth dimension, Therefore an accumulation of volumes in a place where there are equal forces in all directions, forms a sphere tetradimension If we integrate a cube between 0 and a spherical surface; Making the cube increasingly small and the spherical surface large enough, surely what you get is a spherical body composed of infinite number of cubes, which meets the definition of fourth dimension: “It is an accumulation of volumes, in a Direction W “. Just as the cube is the most usual representation of a three-dimensional object (tetrahedron, parallelogram, icosahedron, and others are also three-dimensional objects), the sphere is the most usual representation of a four-dimensional object.
Now, well, an accumulation of volumes, does not necessarily produce a spherical BODY, it all depends on the three-dimensional volume we accumulate and the environment where we do it. There are other BODIES such as crystals that are accumulation of symmetrical volumes in a single direction, have no spherical surfaces, these forms are given for example on the surface of the earth, or when the accumulation is done in an orderly way, ie each volume fits Perfectly with all others and are very common, for example, diamond, iron, salt, and almost all known crystals.
All these bodies in ideal conditions of growth are highly symmetrical, and acquire beautiful forms called crystals. They all correspond to the accumulation of the same pattern or volume, fitting precisely to each other, acquiring characteristics as particular as diamond, smooth, transparent and sometimes very hard surfaces.
When an accumulation of asymmetric volumes is made, those whose right side is different from the left (if at a three-dimensional volume we draw an imaginary line, and its right side is different to its left side we say it is asymmetrical) the BODY that Is formed acquires the characteristics of a spiral. Each volume brings a small twist to the whole forming a helical BODY, the “accommodation” that makes an asymmetrical volume fit into another produces that “twist” that finally leads us to a helical BODY.
For example, to an M-shaped volume we could draw an imaginary line and we would obtain that the right side is equal to the left, this is a symmetrical volume, if at an L-shaped volume we draw an imaginary line, We will never achieve that its right side is equal to the left, this is an asymmetrical volume, when we accumulate volumes in the form of “L” we have to accommodate each volume in the other, this accommodation generates a turn, and each that accommodate a new “L “, We increase a turn more, finally, that accumulation of turns we produce a body of four dimensions with form of spiral. The number of turns creates unique and very beautiful shapes.
This type of bodies gave rise to life on earth, we could safely say that asymmetric molecules were the origin of living beings. Shells of snails, human hair, horns of some animals, as well as the DNA molecule are an accumulation of asymmetrical volumes (each volume is a small molecule asymmetric either of silicon in the case of the conch shell or Protein in the hair), and therefore their characteristic spiral shape that make them be beautifully shaped bodies.
Another way to obtain a BODY is to develop a volume inside another, it is the growth of a solid inside another, forming BODIES in the form of a star, it happens when, for example, we insert a cube inside another, in such a way that the corners Of one go through the faces of the other. These forms are very common in nature, and we find them when some chemical compounds are formed by the growth of a volume of one element within the volume of another. We can conclude that in a four-dimensional or four-dimensional space, we have four types of forms: Spherical BODIES, formed by an infinite accumulation of volumes and in a space with equal forces in all directions; The CRYSTALS, formed by accumulation of volumes in a single direction and under the severe geometric laws of regular repetition of networks in space; The helical bodies, formed by asymmetrical volumes where each one of them contributes a small twist giving the characteristic form of propeller and the BODIES of Kepler-Poinsot that is the ordered growth of a volume inside another volume, resulting in BODIES in form of star.

           Cap II

A dominant theory of the universe has been proposed and is known as the Quasy Steady State Cosmology (QSSC) or quasi-constant state of the cosmos, the QSSC proposes the continuous creation of matter in space rather than a single event and has been proposed by the Scientists Fedc Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbridge, and Jayant V. Narlikar.
On the “The Continuous Creation Process” website, some e-mails between Jayan V. Narlikar and Robert Neil Boyd suggest that anomalous occurrences and disappearances of matter have taken place casually (they have occurred unprepared without being the subject of a Meticulous research, remaining only as a curiosity). In this exchange of emails, the physicist Robert Neil Boyd says he noticed an abnormal phenomenon when working in a vacuum chamber, Hydrogen was being generated when the vacuum chamber reached a certain level.
Robert Neil Boyd wrote: “Our first thought was that hydrogen was migrating from the outside through the walls of the containment chamber, but we were quickly discouraged from this notion by the volume and persistence of hydrogen density. Regardless of how many times we ionized the camera and swept the chamber clean, we still had the same amount of hydrogen we started with. And we could count the amount of hydrogen we had taken out of the chamber. So it was obvious what was happening. Hydrogen was being created in the chamber.
Our observations informed us that this process did not occur until a certain level of emptiness had been obtained. But from then on, it was useless to try to get our “perfect vacuum”. So we gave up and worked with what we had to work with. In this website they speculate on a universal ether of subquantic particles that gives rise to a structure like the hydrogen, nevertheless they express doubts that virtual elementary particles that are created and they destroy constantly in a continuous flow of the emptiness can create the hydrogen that of by por If it is already a set of particles, however in the space where the extreme vacuum exists the molecular hydrogen also exists in abundance.
So the most obvious is to conclude that the empty end generates particles, nothing has ever existed, everything must have had a beginning, and this must have been the theory that dominated, but for some reason it never occurred to us that something came out of nowhere . Here it is important to make the difference between nothing and empty, apparently the same, but nothing is a little more subjective, more mundane I would say, but the vacuum, this if it is Universal, the vacuum does not exist on the ground, there is no vacuum That to generate it, and the emptiness, not the nothing, would be what was in the universe in its beginning.
So the most obvious conclusion is that any emergence of the vacuum, that matter occurs in the vacuum and this is the basis of my theory of the origin of the Universe, this was generated when the vacuum reached a certain level.
If we could count on a large vacuum chamber (a gigantic sphere of very thick steel), and we could make this sphere of steel completely clean inside, completely sterilized, without traces of anything that could alter our experiment, to this sphere We are going to connect motor pumps, and we will proceed to remove all the air, everything that can have inside this camera, if we manage to generate enough depression or negative pressure inside our camera, we will have the miracle, hundreds of small particles will jump, Particles generated by the pressure of vacuum, let’s call them Vacuons, it was that scientist Robert Neil Boyd who discovered it accidentally, I experience it without knowing the size and the transcendence of its discovery.
In our human dimension, we try to put everything within our reach, our dimension, but when it comes to clarifying the origin of our Universe, we have to get out of that miniscule dimension and we have to put ourselves at the height or the dimension of our Cosmos , The Vacuons that were generated in our tiny vacuum chamber have the size they should have according to the conditions in which our experiment was generated, and the size of our Vacuum Chamber, but when we talk about the universe, we are talking about a A vacuum chamber of enormous proportions, a vacuum chamber of say 13,500 million light-years in diameter, that is very large, therefore the Vacuons that are generated in that huge vacuum chamber have to be as big as a black hole.
Our hypothesis is that the extreme vacuum generates some kind of element, to this element we will call it “VACUONS”, our universe is filled with billions of Vacuons, these billions of vacuons, transparent, undetectable in the darkness of the void , Clustered in gigantic clouds that gradually became spherical, when an accumulation occurs in a medium where the pressure is equal in all directions, that accumulation has a spherical shape, thousands, millions of Vacuons created spherical clouds throughout the Universe, Thousands of dark, transparent, undetectable spheres, we can not call them black holes, they are gigantic bubbles of Vacuons. And there we have the first image of the Universe, black, dark, thousands of black bubbles filled with Vacuons wandering around.
But these static, inert Vacuons gradually became Atomic Hydrogen, surrounded by emptiness, and these gigantic spheres filled with atomic Hydrogen suddenly lit up, the atomic Hydrogen within the spheres interacted with the atomic Hydrogen in the void that the Surrounded, generating Hydrogen molecular H2, illuminating the Universe for the first time.
Understanding Hydrogen is to understand all the physics they said out there, much of what we know about the Universe, we know by observing the simplest of atoms, in any case most of the Universe that we can see is made entirely of Hydrogen, many of them The great technological advances come from Hydrogen, from the balloons, the clocks and the hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen is the lightest of all gases and so luminous that the whole universe is impregnated with its radiation. The history of Hydrogen was born in 1783 when Charles Blagden, an assistant to Henry Cavendish visited Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier in Paris to describe how Cavendish had created water from burning a strange “light air,” Lavoisier repeated the experiment, Which was first called a chemical product through a reaction, “light air” and oxygen are joined to form water. The next day, June 24, 1783, Lavoisier reported his findings to the Royal Academy of Sciences. The name of Hydrogen was born at that time, and there modern chemistry, also on June 5, 1783, the Montgolfier brothers had flown the first balloon “light air”, they filled their balloon smoke and floated away in a short Flight that caused sensation in all France, but the reason why the floating float was unknown at that moment, was Jaques-Alexandre-Cesar Charles who understood that the buoyancy was by the Hydrogen that was in the air, the floating nature of the Hydrogen was understood since Charles flew triumphant in his first balloon.
In 1926 Samuel A. Uhlenbeck and George E. Goudsmit, they attributed to the Hydrogen a new property; That of having an angular momentum S and an intrinsic magnetic moment M, as would occur if an electrically charged body rotates around an axis passing through it, at that moment the Spin is born, an elementary particle rotating on a perpendicular axis.   The Spin was thus incorporated into Quantum Mechanics as an additional postulate, which is perfectly compatible with the other postulates of the theory but is not a logical consequence of them, but is introduced on the basis of experimental evidence.   Hydrogen continues to have a special attraction, its atom has a remarkable property:
If your electron spin is polarized to avoid the formation of molecules, it is the noblest gas of all, even more inert than Helium, Helium liquefies to a Temperature of 4.2 degrees Kelvin. The spin-polarized Hydrogen never liquefies: gas is still at temperatures up to absolute zero.
And that explains that in the distant and cold universe, Hydrogen remains as a gas.   An electron that moves in an electric field experiences an effective magnetic field, which acts on the magnetic moment of the electrons (turn). The interaction of the electronic magnetic moment with the effective magnetic field is called the spin-orbit interaction. All matter in the universe has a tendency to rotate. This applies to the fundamental building blocks, electrons and nuclei of atoms, as well as matter on the larger scale, galaxies, stars and their satellites.
This twist is as fundamental to the constitution of the universe as it is to electromagnetism. The spin is the forces that unifies the infinitely small and very large elements of the universe. When one considers the fundamental role played by Spin in the magnetization of all celestial bodies, it will become evident in the ordering of the universe. It also helps explain many of the phenomena in the Universe. Those black bubbles filled with Vacuons interacted with the dark void and the atomic H was generated, then the molecular H2 was generated and there the Universe was illuminated for the first time, at this moment the most wonderful miracle of all was created, the Spin (H2 ),
The molecule responsible for the universe to get to where it is today, that Spin is a miniature image of galaxies, galaxies are gigantic Spins, which have been decomposing into Spins ever smaller, like a huge Fractal, each part is an image of the original. These bubbles were generated simultaneously and to different sizes throughout the length and width of that universal vacuum.
Like a rotating magnet, this twist simultaneously produces electricity, magnetism with a south and a north pole, and that was the birth of the nascent galaxies, great spirals of light with a dark, transparent and undetectable center, gigantic Spins easily observable by the halo Of H2 around it, galaxies were born as we know it today, thousands of spiral galaxies with a dark black sphere in the center filled with millions of Vacuons, now called black holes.
These gigantic Spins have been decomposing into Spins increasingly responsible for the creation of the suns, planets, earth, plants, animals, man, and the most wonderful creation of all, the human mind , Our mind is full of Spins, they are our memory, but here it does not end everything, this molecule indestructible, it does not end when man dies, this molecule goes beyond death, this molecule is responsible for hell and heaven, Of life in the beyond, this wonderful molecule that arose from those first Vacuons is indestructible and has properties that have made our Universe the wonder that it is today.
These Spins are so perfect, that once created it is impossible to destroy them, they have been dwindling, but the smaller the more wonderful are their properties, that H2 Spin that emerged from the so-called Vacuons has long been studied and its properties They are really fantastic. That primitive particle that was born billions of years ago, still exists, runs through our veins, is in our brain, appears in computers and will be key in the man of the future, that particle has characteristics so special that it became infinite, Indestructible and with such characteristics that it has allowed to create things as big as Galaxies, as hot as the Sun, as small as the atom, as versatile as our memory and as beautiful as the butterflies.
This SPIN is responsible for the origin of the Universe, gravity is responsible for the creation of molecules, minerals, plants, living beings, reproduction, memory and life after death . The spin in the Spin creates electromagnetism, and as a consequence creates the magnetic dipole moment, ie a south pole and a north pole, in addition to a circular current. Already in our laboratories we can turn a magnet on a winding and get an electric current, or we can put an electric current in a winding through a bar of iron and creates electromagnetism.
Then our wonderful Spin is responsible for the electric current, the magnetism and the magnetic poles north and south, we also have the heat and the cold, the color spectrum. A primitive Universe full of that dynamic and wonderful element called Spin was the breeding ground for the development of everything we know today.   According to our fourth-dimensional theory, our Spin is the point of that primeval Universe, many Spin could join and form lines, many Spin lines could come together and form Spin planes, many planes could join and form spins volumes, In turn many volumes could come together and form beautiful bodies of four-dimensional spins. And this is where we introduce a new element Gravity, we already have electricity, electromagnetism and magnetism.
All the bodies in space have some electromagnetism, all have a magnetic field with a south pole and a north pole, if we add electromagnetic points their charges add up, the larger the body the bigger the charge, and a very large body can Generate more magnetism than a smaller one, all galaxies are large Spins that generate magnetism, as all galaxies turn to the same side, the polarity that is generated is the same, and in magnetism, different poles are attracted and poles are equal They reject, and that causes the galaxies to reject one another, this we call Gravity.
The universe was born spinning and continues to make it around a preferred axis, is the bold conclusion of the physicists of the United States who have studied the rotation of more than 15,000 galaxies. While most cosmological theories have suggested that, on a large scale, the universe is the same in all directions, these recent findings suggest that the primitive universe was born revolving around a specific axis. If correct, this also means that the universe does not have mirror symmetry, but rather has a right or left hand preference.
And it is also clear that the universe was not generated in one place, the Universe is composed of thousands of galaxies that were generated simultaneously in thousands of different points. One can easily conclude that even at this level of matter, spin is a fundamental property (as are weak and strong nuclear forces, gravity and electromagnetism). It is also likely that the electrons actually rotate perpendicular to the ‘axis’ of the nucleus. The same statements can be made about large bodies in the universe … be it a planet and its satellites or planets orbiting its paternal star or in fact stars that orbit the center of the galaxy. All these bodies also revolve on their own axes.
It is as if the two movements were fundamental for the constitution of the universe. Therefore, by extrapolation it is not difficult to guess that matter throughout the universe itself experiences such a “spin.” The sum of charges of one body can directly influence the charge of another body, so smaller planets like earth, or mercury revolve around larger planets like the sun, all these planets are a large-scale reproduction of a Spin ,
Like the atom Spin, also have, electricity, magnetism and a south pole and another north. When the charges are equal, a rejection is generated, this causes the planets not to attract but to reject, this causes them to rotate, and the rejection force is directly proportional to the size of each one, that is why the Sun with its large size Does not swallow the planets, rejects them and keeps them at bay, the earth does not swallow the moon, keeps it far enough for it to rotate eternally. Like a fractal, the smallest seed has the same properties as the sum of all of them, except that the sum of its properties is related to its size, and the magnetic force in a galaxy is different and infinitely larger than that of its components ,
This we call Gravity: it is the magnetic sum of the parts that make up a body, the Spins that generated the Universe had an index of magnetism, when they joined Spins and formed bodies, these were the magnetic sum of the Spins they contained, So each body has its own index of magnetism, its own index of gravity, many bodies of different sizes have different indices of gravity, when the rates of magnetism are different but of equal polarity, they begin to orbit one another, the great galaxies Spirals have a large Gravity index, the elements that are coming off these Galaxies, have lower Gravity indexes, all turn towards the same direction generating an equal polarity, which causes them to be rejected, Galaxies are rejected with Other galaxies, and the elements within the galaxies are rejected by generating the orbital systems we all know, we could assume that at first there were turns to the right and to the left, but that made the elements with different poles attract and join, Until for some reason were only elements with a single twist, generating a same polarity, which made equal poles were rejected creating the force of gravity.
That mysterious force that we call Gravity is nothing more than the sum of the magnetic forces of its components, each body has its own index of gravity, that is why on the moon we float, and on the ground we sink.
In its earliest days the earth was an incandescent rock surrounded by a great cloud of vapor, with time it absorbed the vapor into water, the earth grew swollen, its outer layer split and the continents appeared. It is not true that the continents were created by the displacement of the tectonic layers, they were created by increasing the earth of size and breaking its outer layer.
When the earth was in formation billions of years ago, its size was not the one it has nowadays, it could be like the moon, or smaller, the gravity of the earth at that moment was much lower than the one we have Nowadays, as Gravity’s force was lower than the one we experience today, living beings of the time were reptiles floating, that low gravity made these reptiles grow enormously and in turn their enormous weight kept them subject to The earth, was the time of the great dinosaurs, it was at this time in our history that many small reptiles that glided floating aimlessly felt the need to have a control over their direction, and that was where the rudimentary wings began to appear,
Those first wings were heavy and very short, they helped to direct and perhaps to glide, many reptiles could glide, but as the earth became bigger, Gravity became stronger and the rustic wings of our first living beings had what to change. They grew bigger, the bones of those wings were hollowed out, an adaptation was formed for the new Gravity that was making the bodies heavier, the feathers appeared and some succeeded in being able to remain in the air and became birds and Others who could not fly became mammals doomed to roam the surface of the earth.
When the gravity was very low, the reptiles became very large, giantas, like the dinosaurs, they grew and gained a lot ofweight to remain stuck toground, but greater growth also leads to more foods, the smaller ones ate small srubs and the largerones ate the smallest, the harmony that was in the early days of the earth was so perfect that the samller ones great Gravity was very low, the reptiles became very large, gigantic, like the dinosaurs, grew and grew, but greater growth also leads to more food, the smaller ones ate the small shrubs and the larger ones ate the Smaller, the harmony that was in the early days of the earth was so perfect that the reptiles multiplied by thousands, by millions, and did not realize that the food began to disappear, these great animals began to destroy the vegetation And to eat each other, then there were only large animals with a huge need for food, began to scarce the foliage and their food system was seriously compromised, so seriously that at some point did not eat and began to eat To each other until finally the great reptiles of the age of the dinosaurs disappeared, and thus a new era of smaller animals emerged, the mammals whose survival was guaranteed until today.Nowadays there is something similar happening, the man with his infinite need for resources, with his ability to reproduce since there is no predator threatening its existence, is generating an unprecedented demographic explosion, billions of human beings that must be Fed daily, billions of human beings demanding more and more resources every time, this unprecedented demographic explosion will soon come to take our toll, very soon there will be no water, no food and as the extinction of dinosaurs, the extinction of man He would reach the door.The existence of man as superior intelligence has very little time, if we consider that our galaxy is about 13,000 million light years, the 5,000 years that man has as superior intelligence is a tiny period of time, tiny, almost imperceptible, the The last 200 years are the greatest creation, the industrial
revolution, the computer revolution, and we are in the cyber revolution, in the next 1000 years the change that is going to give man is extreme, and this is so because the earth must disappear in Very little time, the demographic explosion, climate change, meteorites, all these elements will make us close to a great catastrophe, we are the dinosaurs of the future and it is impossible to avoid, so we can conclude that the biological stage of man The earth is coming to an end, the evolution of man, from the caverns to the cybernetic revolution is a very small period, is almost like a flare, shoots, explodes and disappears, so fast is the stage of biological man on the Earth, a sigh, if the advance of man has been phenomenal in the last 200 years, we can infer that in the next 1000 years will be meteoric, spectacular, so much, that it will no longer be a problem that the earth disappears, in a thousand years man No longer depends on his body to survive, no longer needs the earth, within a thousand years the kingdom of heaven will not be of the poor, will be, of the powerful, scientists, mechanical or spiritual men, man As biological material ceased to exist.
For us it may be a long time 5 or 10 thousand years, in 5 or 10 thousand years the earth will disappear as we know it, but in the vast Universe, in the eternity of the cosmos is only a blink, and that is what explains the reason By which we have not found intelligent extraterrestrial life, the intelligent life is so, but so ephemeral, that is constantly appearing and disappearing in the Universe, we are flower of a day, disappear as fast as we appear, and thus it is impossible that we are able to Finding beings like us, in our Universe are appearing and disappearing civilizations almost like flicking a finger.  
 But there is nothing to worry about, the Spin that is the creative force of the Universe, will also be the force that saves us, that wonderful and indestructible Spin has reached our brain, is responsible for our memory, the great inventions of man, Space travel, that Spin is being transformed into our brain, that Spin is creating a new way of life, immaterial life, spiritual life, a life without the need for corruptible biological structures like our body, that new life is being created in This moment, as a fenix bird will emerge from the ashes and will come the new man, man of the future, immaterial man, man who can travel through the cosmos without any restriction, man composed of materials such as gold, titanium, The steel, the communion between the man and the machine, as we said before the man of the future.
There is a question that worries the scientists, and it is because we have not found beings of other planets, and the explanation we will address it in the following way, the life of an insect has different times, the life of a mammal, of a human being has Different times, the life of a planetary system, of a galaxy has different times, earth time is low compared to the time of the cosmos, earth time although it seems very large to us is just a sigh in the vastness Of the cosmos, planets like the earth arise and disappear very quickly, what happens is that we do not realize, in the temporal infinity of the cosmos the earth has a life as ephemeral as that of an insect on earth, the earth just Born and soon will disappear, thus have arisen billions of lands with an ephemeral life, it is very innocent to think that man is the maximum in the existence of the Universe, we are nothing more than lights of flare that explode and disappear in the infinity of Cosmos, and that is why it will be impossible to find life on other planets, the distances and times in the cosmos are so great that it took a thousand generations to find even a system similar to ours, and this will not happen, our system has just come And will disappear, very little time to achieve some kind of contact.
But as the energy neither creates nor disappears, it only transforms, there is a hope, the Spin in its evolution will soon transcend the limits of the flesh, the limits of the brain, that Spin is being transformed and will transcend the limits of the human being, That Spin is being formed and transforming into a new being, a new being that does not depend on the biological, or the distances or infinite times of the Cosmos, that new human being that in the next 500 or 1000 years will evolve into a new Being, mechanical or spiritual, a new being who will no longer depend on food, water or land to survive, this human being can transcend the limits of the cosmos, this new human being will meet with peers, peers arising from others Worlds, of different planetary systems and that were united in a single civilization, more spiritual, more advanced, more technological, more sublime, a civilization that as the religions have announced, would be the Shangri-la in India, or heaven of Catholics.The memory in our brain exists thanks to the interaction of Spins with the senses: sight, hearing, touch, smells, flavors, these are the creators of our memory, are closely interrelated with all external experiences, with The smells we perceive, the sounds we hear, the images we see, the things we touch, the flavors, and that is why, when our life begins, the first caresses, the first smells, the first sensations begin to form Our spins of our brains begin to be marked, some sensations or experiences mark more people than others, a blind person is more marked by what he hears, a person without affection is more marked by hardness and insensitivity,
 All these sensations mark our Spin brain, and the sum of all those Spins, are those experiences that we call spirit.   So the experiences throughout life are what create that unique spirit, that memory, that brain image of each person in particular. Each brain is connected with the people around it, one person could perceive the spirit of another, we could be able to detect a person that we do not see and that is relatively close, that’s what we call extrasensory perception, they are no more than those our spins Interacting with the Spins of a person close to us, it would be impossible to interconnect with someone we have never seen, so that there is a transfer of energy from one brain to another I think that there must have been some kind of relationship, and that is why we can sense That someone close to us had an accident, or someone I have not seen for a long time, or that someone is doing something to my back, all these interactions can be generated through the Spins, so we could say that the Spins too Have some resonance, and like a radio set, our brain could resonate information to another
 brain tuned to ours. Our spirit exists as a brain energy, within that brain there is a memory of experiences, memory closely related to the people close to us, we are not independent spiritual beings, we are spirits that subsist thanks to the interrelationship that exists with other spirits,
 we are the piece Of a gigantic puzzle, when we remove a piece, that remaining emptiness remains in latent form, and this is where eternal life is born. We could affirm that the spiritual world of man is like an immense puzzle, we are all related by borders that are the ones that regulate the relations between men, those edges are the character of the spirit, there are gentle spirits, there are warrior spirits, there are evil spirits , There are holy spirits, in short there are all sorts of spirits, the quality of those spirits is what causes a person to die disappears or stays, goes to hell, to heaven or stays in limbo, once a person dies , That spirit composed of millions of Spins, can take several paths, if their interrelations are very strong with the world around them, that spirit would remain latent and begin to “live” as part of another puzzle no longer human but spiritual, that spirit At the moment of leaving the body he would meet other strong spirits, with the relatives already dead with whom he had a great spiritual bond, a whole community of spirits, to which would join those who are leaving this world, as long as they are spirits Strong as well. 
But it happens that there are other people with very poor spirits, with very little interaction with the outside world, babies-like spirits with almost no connection to the outside world, these spirits are waiting for a kind of limbo, an opaque spiritual world, Almost an eternal dream. And there are other evil spirits, people who settle disputes, I create fights, I kill people, I create great enmities, who interrelate in a negative way with their world, it is possible that the Spins of these spiritus survive death, but Find the spirits of the people they hurt, find a hostile spiritual world, do not want to be in their shoes, or their robes, but I think their spiritual life will be a hell. Conversely, people like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, or Pope John Paul II, with a strong and powerful spirit, could be around, something that we could call heaven, very boring perhaps, or better yet, in a species Of spiritual Shangri-La, the place where we all would like to be on the day of our death. 
But others, like scientists, will be conquering the Cosmos, with their metallic bodies traveling to the depths of the Universe, with these super-bodies will be able to travel to the past, they will be able to find beings from other planets, they will be able to see civilizations that are still in the era of The caves will be able to find civilizations similar to our middle age, but also they will be able to travel to the future, where they will find advanced civilizations, they will be able to conquer and to populate other worlds, the possibilities that await us are infinite, each one will reach where it wants to arrive, It is not an option, the earth has its days counted, and we have several ways, or we go to limbo, or fall into a hell of negative forces, or not, we accompany Mother Teresa of Calcutta next to San Pedro , Or as scientists we help to create the man of the future, the mechanistic man with ability to discern, with ability to move through the universe without ties of any kind, the conqueror of the Cosmos, the Colon of the future, no longer as a biological being, But as a mechanical being with spiritual content, such as the hard disk of a computer